This was a huge task to undertake, but we had a lot of fun along the way while learning everything we need to know for our 1 year journey to the Bahamas and beyond. Daubie taught us how to navigate using navigation charts, bouy's & markers (red right return), garmin devices and gps navigation tools, he taught us how to set an anchor and how to set a second anchor in stormy weather, how to follow the weather forecasts and what a Norther means, how to cook a mean cheesy potato dish (excellent for open ocean passages) and his favorite paella, how to cast a shrimp net, how to us the VHF to request bridge openings and moorage at marina's, how to play the ukulele (at least get us started with some chords: G,D,C & Em), how to trouble shoot boat problems, how to connect to shore power and open up the circuit board, how to check the oil, how to check the bilges and make sure we are not sinking, how to provision, how to land and take-off from the dock, how to travel at night, how to tie knots, how to splice line and whip it, how to jibe and more importantly how to prevent accidental jibes, how to set up a safety harness system, how to get our dingy to run with the finicky carborator, how to pump out the toilet tanks, how to watch the tides, how to fix leaky valves, how to train a cat not to use litter, how to log the trip and how to sail a beam reach!
My brain is about to explode just listing off all of the above (and that is only the beginning of the list!), but we had a great trip together and Mike and I feel ready to set sail on our own now, we think. It was so great to have someone so experienced teach us the ropes and help us get the boat ready for a year cruising adventure. This took both of Mike's parents, Daubie and Mary, over a month of hard work, money, fun sailing and dedication to continue south to make it to Charleston in time to meet us and beat the winter weather! Thank you for all your help Daubie and Mary!
It's sink or swim now, we said our good-bye's to Daubie today as he left from Ferdinanda, Florida on his way back to Port Townsend, WA. Tomorrow will be DAY ONE of our voyage without "Adult Supervision". We continue to head SOUTH to the warm weather. Wish us luck!!
Intercoastal Sailing Trip November
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OK let's see if I can post a comment. Like, "What kind words, thank you."
ReplyDeleteIt's all true! Thank you both for all your help!
ReplyDeleteThose shrimps look promising! Just give them a little cooking here and there and once that signature orange has set in, it's ready to plate. Got to love those shrimps.
ReplyDeletesailing florida
I know what you mean Josh. I already thought of some good dishes involving shrimp.